Rates, Plans
Adult Rates
12-fifty minute lessons, 480.00 (40.00/lesson) paid in advance of the first lesson. Non-refundable, so check your commitment to learning as well as your availability.. Generally, the intent is to make these into weekly lessons spanning 3 months, but reschedules will be taken into account.
Per lesson rate is 45.00
Child rates - (For children 12 and under)
12-twenty five (25) minute lessons, 360.00 (30.00/lesson) paid in full, in advance of the first lesson. A Per lesson individual rate is 30.00 for 25 minute lesson. Cut off age is 13 (but flexible.)
General - Housekeeping
All lessons will begin at appointed times. If you show up early, you'll usually have to wait. Occasionally I'm available ahead of time, but count on starting at the appointed time.
Please turn off your cell phone (and I will turn mine off.)
About Paper...
Elsewhere on the site I talk about my views on tablature. I think its the worst way to learn, but I've come to soften my view over time. I was teaching completely paper free, but have come to recognize that all folks just aren't ready to trust their ears and eyes. I won't discourage you from jotting down notes, and I do even have a few tag sheets with a sort of quasi tab that I distribute. One thing I can't do, though is help you with tablature that you've gotten somewhere else. Sometimes students will come in with a sheet of tab and ask if I can teach them the song, or if I think it's good tab or not. I don't use tab myself, and am very slow at reading it. Moreover, I'd have to learn the song first, then teach it to you. So, please leave your tab home. I can only teach you what I know.
What Do I Bring?
The best method for getting stuff home with you is to bring a thumb drive of at least 20 gig size. I video all the songs and tags, and will provide you with the full library of videos. Some folks will video me using their phone, and some will make digital sound recordings, but I think the best way is to bring a thumb drive. We can even video oyu playing so that when you get home you will be reminded.
Jam Camps
Camps will be scheduled separately, as well as paid for separately.. These will be announced via email giving you a chance to sign up.